What is digital transformation in environmental governance?

Two of the five largest companies on the planet use data as a raw material and deliver most of their products and services digitally. In fact, Google and Microsoft would not even need a physical structure to operate and serve their customers. That, my friends, is the CURRENT level of innovation achieved by mankind. We are witnessing increasingly drastic changes and the future is fast approaching. What about the corporate data management segment and its impact on the environment? What does digital transformation look like in environmental governance?

Advice for companies that want to remain competitive in the marketplace

Is there any doubt that companies that ignore the need for digital transformation in ALL their sectors will find it very difficult to survive? Pragmatically contextualizing this reasoning in environmental terms, we see an exponential growth of the world’s population that will inevitably demand a large part of the planet’s natural resources for its subsistence in the not too distant future. It’s a fact! As economic science predicts, scarcity will lead to increasing valuations of environmental assets. Thus, companies with organized and actionable records of all their environmental assets, verified through blockchain, will be able to obtain regulatory offsets or trade their credits in the market.

How can I apply the digital transformation of environmental governance in my company?

Investments in effective, documented and recorded environmental actions will provide a much higher ROI than most investment options on the market. So another way of looking at this relationship is to realize that today money is worth a lot and nature is worth little, and tomorrow nature will be worth a lot and money will be worth little. We have the opportunity to anticipate this movement: we can generate continuous and incremental dividends and, at the same time, contribute to reducing the level of natural resource degradation.

The first step is to organize and digitize your data. I’ll tell you the rest later!